Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Scotch Whisky (Batch 27)
Monkey Shoulder is labelled “Batch 27” as a reference to the original experimental batching of 27 casks. Now, runs of Monkey Shoulder are made 27 casks at a time, although the batches are not individually numbered. The vatting is a mix of William Grant & Sons’ three distilleries, all located in Dufftown, in Speyside: Glenfiddich, The Balvenie, and Kininvie. (Kininvie was built in 1990 on the grounds of The Balvenie and makes malt that is mostly used for blends.) All three are from “first-fill” ex-bourbon casks. Sometimes malts from other, undisclosed distilleries might be included in the vatting. The ages of the whiskies are unreleased, but you can basically assume they’re young.
For what it’s worth, “Monkey Shoulder” is the nickname for a shoulder injury experienced by maltsters after long hours of manually turning malt on a malting floor.
打破老古板,從三隻猴子(Monkey Shoulder)開始
許多蘇格蘭威士忌狂熱份子恪守著「只能加一滴水」、「不能加水」、「不能加超過一顆冰塊」…等品飲規則。然而三隻猴子(Monkey Shoulder)從蒸餾、熟成及裝瓶,都在蘇格蘭威士忌首都-斯貝賽區完成,製程與其他蘇格蘭威士忌一樣嚴謹,創造出史上首款「三重麥芽威士忌」,品飲風格愉悅自由,無需理會老古板們的無趣糾正。
三隻猴子(Monkey Shoulder)命名是為了向傳統製酒工藝致敬。從前酒廠的翻麥工人長時間以手工翻麥,使得他們經常肩膀痠痛,雙臂無力下垂,姿勢有點像猴子,於是他們便戲稱自己有「猴子肩膀」(Monkey Shoulder)。為了感念翻麥工人的辛勞付出,三隻猴子(Monkey Shoulder)這個名稱就此誕生。
三隻猴子(Monkey Shoulder)是支無拘無束、有趣的三重麥芽威士忌,從不強調產區、年份及酒廠間的風味差異。
全程在傳奇首席調酒大師David Stewart的得意門生-Brian Kinsman監督下,先融合三間單一純麥酒廠的陳年波本桶威士忌原酒,再轉移至大型融合桶中熟成三個月完成,造就出滑順的豐富口感,且伴隨著柔和的香草氣息。
今年舊金山世界烈酒大賽(SFWSC)中,三隻猴子(Monkey Shoulder)成功吸引評審們的目光及味蕾,榮獲雙金牌獎,也是當今唯一獲得此殊榮的純麥威士忌!
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